minute visitors browsing websites emit 1.2kg of CO2 into our
atmosphere.ABCNetspace.com Global Warming increased every year.We
conscious people should not do this intentionally. So, conscious
webmaster like to add a script on their blog which reduce some CO2
activating an energy saving mode on their blog. They create a standby
engine which make a website greener then other. After adding a code
snippet on your blog you can will convert in a less CO2 emitting
website. It is very easy to implement. You do not need to know and
environmental science to make your site environment friendly.Many act
has been done to prevent this earth from global warming. Earth hour is
one of the biggest act to decrease global warming. People asked to plant
trees, going everywhere by public transportation, recycling everything
that can be recycled, etc. There are many ways to stop global warming,
one of another way to stop it is saving energy.You can start it from
your blog.Make you blog green by applying this energy saving mode to you
blog and website.By displying black screen on your blog this will save a
little amount of your visitors
computer energy.Here is the screenshot of the energy saving mode:
First of all login to your blog
Now goto Template>Edit HTML
Press CTRL+F and Find </head> tag
Copy all of this code below,and paste the code above </head> tag.
Save your template.
computer energy.Here is the screenshot of the energy saving mode:
How to add energy saving mode to your blog ?
<script language='javascript' src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/uemy5hzfsozto55/lightsaving.js?time=120" type='text/javascript'/>