English Essay on "The Person I like Most"

My mother is not only dear to me; she is liked by all who know her. Children love her and grown-ups respect her for the basic reason that she loves all and sundry. Most mothers love their own children dearly, but, unlike them, she loves others children as If they were her own. When she meets the sons and daughters of her relations and friends, she asks them about their welfare and studies and offers them the advice that she gives us so often. She also teaches them their school lessons together with my younger brother and sister, and wishes we all were able and wise.

My mother's ability and knowledge, in fact shine in her healthy face and eyes. Her face is the true index of her mind which is full of deep and pleasant ideas. Beautiful and impressive her face is in all its glory and refinement. And perhaps, more beautiful are her ideas that she expresses while teaching us or in the company of her friends and relations. Sometimes she gives expression to the ideas contained in famous books by great writers like Shakespeare, Ghalib and Iqbal. Atone gathering she said aloud, "We can learn from the animal and bird world, the virtues of family life." Jokes she knows allot, and she can make others laugh for as long as they stay with her and they do not want to leave her.(9essay.com) They listen to her sweet talk as she comes down to, their level of thought and talks at ease.

Perhaps the only fault of my mother is that she gets angry with people who oppose her in wrong ways. However, she forgets her anger very soon and starts thinking about them with the best intentions. She listens to them attentively as if nothing had happened. When anyone tells lies in her company and misbehaves, she advises him to be truthful in all situations and respectful towards elders. Luckily, others begin acting on her advice readily because of her high character and sound reputation.

The most beloved creature that mother is we cannot find the like of her anywhere. She lives in our thoughts and passions as much as we live in hers. She is the soul of our existence, the driving force of our life. May God bless her with his choicest bounties in this world and the next?
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